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Friday 25 December 2009

Xmas eve missed day 12 of blogging challenge!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Yesterday I missed writing a post as I was so caught up in the moment of preparation. I think perhaps I need to make this post extra special not only because it's Christmas Day, but because I missed yesterday. Well, I shall do my very best.

This morning I awoke with an expectation of peace, calm and happiness. Why would this be different from any other day? And could we please have more of this each and every day of the year? Let's hold on to this feeling and generate it wherever we go and whatever is happening in our lives.

I am so happy to be spending today with people I love and who love me. The dinner is slowly roasting itself away in the oven and I have alraedy enjoyed two large glasses of a special concoction which I believe should become the new Christmas breakfast beverage. Half a bag of frozen raspberries, half a bag of frozen tropical fruit, half a carton of tropical juice (of your choice) and several large dashes of Havana Club. Blended to a smoothie consistency and poured into tall glasses...Yum!

After all the wintry weather we have had lately, today we have been blessed with golden sunshine and blue skies. The birds flew around this morning like they had been reborn. I am reminded of the hope that lives within all of us at this time and it makes me wonder what we can do to make this feeling last. I wonder if we could help this feeling to go on endlessly, oh why can't every day be like Christmas. Everyone greets each other with such love and welcome. People from all around the world shake hands online, on the phone and with cards. There is such a feeling of unity and the spirit of giving surrounds us. So let's keep this party going and do it all over again tomorrow and the next day.

I sincerely hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, that your life is filled with love and laughter and each experience brings golden lessons.

Merry Christmas...

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I am passionate about empowering mature men and women to develop the confidence and skills to make conscious choices for their love lives. I believe we are all deserving of exquisite romantic relationships and as such am on a mission to ensure that as many people as possible are able to enjoy a fulfilling love life.
