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Thursday 23 July 2009

50 Ways To Meet Your Lover

There's an old Paul Simon song "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover." It tells the listener the amount of ways to sneak away from a lover, "slip out the back Jack...make a new plan don't need to be coy just listen to just hope on the bus don't need to discuss just drop off the key Lee...and get yourself FREE!!!"

Well, how about if there was a guide that told you the 50 ways to MEET your lover? How would that sound? I have searched the Internet, book and film world. I have looked high and low...I've been here there and everywhere (there's another song there too) and spent many days, nights and sleepless weekends racking my brain to find a way to communicate it to you my dear readers, how to find and keep your lover.

Firstly, you have to really truly believe that you deserve to have the perfect partner. Now when I say "perfect" I don't mean that they are flawless...No! What I mean is that they are perfect for you!

, once you have really truly deep down honest to God felt that deserving feeling, well you then go right on to the next step, which is to answer a few questions about your past. I don't mean your past with previous relationships, heck no. I mean the past from childhood to the present day, maybe even right up until this morning!

This stage will take some time and it is so worth it because until you have dusted those past cobwebs away and cleared the space for this lovely person to come into your life, guess what friend? The only thing you are going to attract is bugs, well this after all is what cobwebs attract isn't it? Have a think about the films you see with cobwebs in houses and squeaky creaky doors...what image does it conjure up? What feeling does it convey...happiness? Bliss? Tranquility? Absolutely not. So have a picture in your mind of something more peaceful and see what you come up with.

The remaining questions you need to ask are in my Build Your Dream Relationship Course, so if you want to find out exactly what they are, then please leave your email address in the sign up box and I will email them to you absolutely FREE!!! I'll tell you right now, there is something you can buy later on if you want to, but this is not part of that. I am offering you to receive some great information that will spiral you forward with regard to your love life.

There are so many people around waiting to meet you but you may not even be looking at them or considering them because they don't fit into your projected image of the "perfect partner". Well, once you realise the kind of person that truly could be the best match for you, you may be surprised to find out that all these years they've been living next door! Or working with you! Or just up the road! Or maybe you have to make a trip abroad and you meet that person in the new town you've moved to! Or you know that course you signed up for? Well that Miss, Mrs, Mr or Ms Match made in the real world dot com is there and you connect in a way you never connected with anyone before, you know it is right and you will never look back. So how do you get to that point?...

Send me an email and I will tell you!
Lots of love

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About Me

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I am passionate about empowering mature men and women to develop the confidence and skills to make conscious choices for their love lives. I believe we are all deserving of exquisite romantic relationships and as such am on a mission to ensure that as many people as possible are able to enjoy a fulfilling love life.
