A very wise man once said to me:
"When you want something and you rush around in search
of it, you become desperate and push away the very
thing that you wish for.
Instead, relax.
Be still.
Be quiet.
Be patient.
Eventually, what you are looking for
will come
looking for you!"
This incredibly simple yet very powerful tip has helped me through many challenging situations.
We live in very exciting times.
We have a great deal of information at our finger tips.
We want things instantly, fast food, instant coffee, remote control television...
Speed dating!
Many experts are available at the click of a mouse to provide
us with the answers to our most challenging questions.
So much information and most of it conflicting!
Here's a short exercise to do while you are here.
You might want to take the phone off the hook and close the curtains for added privacy.
Read through the whole exercise before starting...
Make yourself comfortable, either lie down or sit in a relaxed position.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in.
Release your breath.
Keeping your eyes closed and with slow regular breathing remain relaxed
Picture yourself experiencing your perfect day.
Paint your day with everything you would like to enjoy.
Don't leave anything out!
When you have completed this short visualisation, you may want to write down a few things that came up for you.
- Where did you go?
- What did you experience?
- How did it feel?
The aim of this exercise is to help you to practise visualising and become comfortable
with being still, confident within and enjoy the moment you create.
This is one step in the process of becoming a deliberate creator.
We seek answers from outside ourselves
When we develop self trust and self confidence
We learn that the answers lie within ourselves
So how do we find the great love of our life?
And do we have the patience to wait so we make the
perfect choice?
Love 2 Learn 2 Love 2010 ©
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