Maeve Crawford
9th February 2010
At the beginning of 2010 I set myself some goals to accomplish this year. I have written them down and spoken to a few close friends and family about what they are. There are 9 altogether and I aim to have achieved them all by the end of this year. Since I wrote them down I have noticed some incredible things happen. Information, signs, music, programmes and opportunities have begun to show up to help me to get to the next place I need to be that will then help me to get to the next step. More about this to follow in future posts...
Several years ago I watched The Secret at a time when I had been asking for information. I wanted some real answers and solutions to the questions I was asking and the problems I'd been experiencing. I first of all watched it online, then I realised I wanted to watch it over and over again because I enjoyed the content so much and couldn't get enough of it, so I bought a copy. I went round talking to friends about this film and encouraged everyone I knew to watch it. I bought copies for friends and family and those who didn't want to watch it I encouraged to read the book. I signed up for a course that would help me to put the teachings into action. I went to the cinema to watch it...twice! I read about it. I followed the presenters on it. Mike Dooley, John Demartini, Joe Vitale, Bob Procter, Lisa Nichols. I met John Demartini at one of the Breakthrough Experience weekends a couple of years ago and am so grateful that I made the decision to take part in that incredible weekend. I made a great friend that week and my life changed.
I know and understand the power of writing down your goals. Many teachers encourage us to write down our goals in the present tense. Write them as though they have happened. This is something that many people struggle with. I did at first because I felt it wasn't real. But now that I have learned so much about the subconscious mind, I understand how this is important. I have also learned that writing your goals down as though you have already accomplished them, and then feeling how it would feel sets the wheels in motion and gets the creative juices flowing. I really enjoy this part of the process and often find myself giggling for apparently no reason because I feel released from the burden of trying to figure out how this is going to happen.
Write down your goals if you haven't already. Write them in the present tense. Feel the joy of having accomplished them. Do this every day, as often as you can. Feel that feeling of joy. Allow yourself. Give yourself permission to feel happy. Now. Enjoy.
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