I receive questions from clients regarding how to find the perfect man or woman and what they need to do to improve their chances of attracting someone into their life. Often, people are so keen to get together with someone that they rush into a relationship only to find out that a few weeks. months or even years down the road, they discover they no longer wish to be with the same person and don't even know why they got together in the first place. They then have to go through a process of either ending this relationship, spending time being unfaithful and feeling guilty about this, or remaining in the relationship and putting up with less than what they want and truly deserve.
It is so important to first understand who you are and what you want from life. As large a challenge as this may seem, it is not too difficult to realise that whilst it can be a lengthy process it is so worth doing because unless you know yourself and truly love yourself, this will always interefere with your ability to attract the perfect person for you into your life. Ask yourself a few questions and see what insights you gain from doing this:
Where do I want to go in life?
What do I want to be?
What do I want to do?
What do I want to have?
What do I really want my life to look like?
Begin to visualise what you want in your life using all of your senses: taste, hearing, sight, etc. (including the senses that many don't talk about i.e intuition and "gut feeling")
(for more tips like this and incredibly rich information for singles, check out the Conscious Dating website
Be as specific as you can possibly be and write down what comes up. Doing this exercies will allow you to begin the process of re-training your subconscious mind into understanding what it is you truly want in your life, and you will start to attract various things that are in alignment with this.
I'd love to hear from you when you have completed this to see what insights you have. I will then send you some more tips on how to attract the love of your life!
I look forward to hearing from you!
ps. Join me over at http://www.truelovemanifesting.ning.com where there are more tips like this available and a chance to meet other single like minded people.
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