...I had previously spent a great deal of time mulling over where I was going wrong each time I thought about my relationships that had come to a crashing end. The emotional toil and uncertainty caused by not knowing where I was going wrong, nor how I could resolve the issues that were brought up each time a relationship ended propelled me into the biggest emotional and physical slump I've ever experienced in my life. I considered that I was being sent situations that had some deep and meaningful lesson within them. I couldn't make it out though, how come this kept happening? I decided to concentrate on learning the necessary skills for developing a healthy, happy, loving, committed and long term relationship.
I went online and started to look for relationship education, coaching, mentoring courses and workshops and realised each time that everything I found came from America. There was nothing available in England that I felt resonated with me on a deep enough level to warrant me handing over my hard earned money. I found and read many books that spoke of a greater level of intimacy and love and the authors all heralded from the U.S. I began to realise that if I was going to find the level of support that I required, I would need to head off to America and as I hadn't ever been there before, I felt a little anxious.
During one of my online searches I came across the title of a book "Love is Not a Game but You Should Know the Odds", the title grabbed me and I read some of it on Amazon. The author's name is Randy Hurlburt, I decided to search further and discovered that he is a relationship coach and he offered a free initial consultation via either email or telephone. I signed up immediately because the content of his book had touched me significantly enough for me to want to find out more. I contacted Randy and also ordered the book, I felt it was important to really understand his message if I was going to be on the receiving end of his help.
Over the next couple of years, I spoke to Randy on and off via email and phone, I began to develop a trust in what he was saying and how he supported me in my efforts to recover from a painful break up. During one of the conversations, he told me that he was going to be delivering a series of teleseminars that I could sign up for and that would help me connect with others who were also searching for answers regarding love and relationships. I agreed and even though the seminars took place during the middle of the night due to the time difference between here and America, I made every effort to attend each one over the period of weeks to follow.
I learned a great deal from the workshops and commented one night that this information really needed to be shared in schools. Randy agreed and said he had a friend who was developing her own relationship education programme in Florida www.driversedforlove.com He put us both in touch with each other and we hit it off straight away. Isabell and I emailed each other a few times and in one of her emails she mentioned that there was a conference taking place in San Francisco that she thought I might be interested in. The 12th Smart Marriages Conference www.smartmarriages.com became my focus over the next few months and I scrambled together the air fare, conference fee and spending money to be able to attend.
While I was there, I met many people involved in marriage and relationship therapy in many forms. I met husbands and wives who had set up their own consultancies to share with others the skills they had learnt that helped them to develop their healthy and successful marriages. I took part in several training programmes that I could deliver when I returned to England, as I had decided that what I was really passionate about is what I should be doing as a living.
Sincre my return to England I have set up the company and taken part in further training to ensure I have the necessary skills to deliver to groups. I have recently become a Family Links Parenting Programme facilitator. www.familylinks.org This training has been invaluable and I now feel confident that with my skills, passion and committment, Love 2 Learn 2 Love will continue to grow and increase the chances of those who take part in the workshops to have a profoundly positive impact on their lives.
I strongly believe that everyone deserves to love and be loved. My mission in this lifetime is to learn about love and to share the wisdom I have gained with the world. I look forward to sharing my workshops with you and wish you every success in your life in particular your love life.
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